
September 9, 2017

New York - Day 3 Wanderings

Today was a day of just wandering around the city seeing a few places. Everything was special but there was no real plan for our day and that turned out so nice.

First Stop - Lenny's Bagels

My cousin mentioned a bagel place around the corner from her apartment. It was just a few blocks away. I ordered an olive cream cheese on a toasted sesame bagel. My oh my was it amazing! Brian asked for a bite but I told him no. I wanted every bite to myself.

Second Stop - B&H Photo Video

Brian and Caleb are very into photography and this was a must see for them. The store is huge and amazing! There a conveyor system that runs products from the store floor to check out. I feel like Service Merchandise had something similar back in the day but I don't know for certain. If I was in the market to purchase any type of photography, tech or electronic - this would be the place to shop. But unfortunately I have limited room in my backpack. 
Yep - the camera dorks

Third Stop - High Line

In the Class Divide documentary, they mention the High Line that runs through the Chelsea area. Of course I wanted to visit and it did not disappoint. The views of the city from it are beautiful and along it's path are simple but beautiful flowers and some interesting artwork.  I'd recommend going here to anyone visiting the city. If I worked near here - I'd love to take my lunch break here. Here are just some of the pictures of artwork that can be seen from the path, artwork as part of the High Line and a couple of view from the High Line. 

Walking along the High Line

View from the High Line

Artwork on the High Line

I love Robot Girl seen through the alley

Fourth Stop - Union Square Park

We came out of the subway to Union Square Park and goodness this is a place for people watching. We ended up sitting next to a chess player named, Jordan. I talked for him a bit and he's been playing chess for almost 50 years! He said he started when he was 24 and hasn't played anything since. He won a Chicago championship at one point. He was so lovely to talk to! Then we saw Love.Fart.Happening guy and wow - it was some interesting street performance. He was wearing a one piece woman's swimsuit and a flower crown. He kept saying that everyone farts. Just crazy. 

Fifth Stop - Strand Bookshop

I love books. I love visiting bookstores and libraries. This place was recommended to us and I'm so glad we stopped in. This eclectic bookstore is three levels of tons of new and old books. As Walton said - you can find any book there. I truly believe it! I wanted to grab a book and sit on the floor and read for hours. But the guys didn't exactly want to do that. 
Old and new books all together

Shelf after shelf of books on just one floor

Sixth Stop - Juliana's Pizza

Vanessa (our food tour guide from day 2) recommended Juliana's in Brooklyn. This girl knows her stuff because this was incredible! We all split a bottle of Pinot Grigio, a large pizza with mozzarella, scamorza affumicata, pancetta, scallions and Oregon-grown white truffles in olive oil, and a classic cannoli. Perfect is all I can say about this meal! 

Seventh Stop - Brooklyn Bridge

We decided to walk back across the Brooklyn Bridge because the sun was setting and we had full view of it. Unfortunately, it was a little cloudy and not as vibrant as the day before but we still got some good shots while enjoying the walk. The walk was long but so worth it. You did have to dodge and weave around bikers and tourists taking pictures (including us). I'm sure New Yorkers love that but it's just too pretty not to capture. 

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