
About My Loves

I write a lot on this blog about my loves - missions, family, heritage, food and many others. I wanted to give everyone a little more of a description about each of these loves and why I love them so much.

Several years ago, my bible study leader told that we are able to love because God loved us. He is showing others love through us for them. We are selfish people by nature, but the great love I have seen between humans is because God is working through them.

Love of Missions

In March of 2012, I had the amazing opportunity to show some of this love to the people of Honduras through Love Without Borders on my first international mission trip. I had been on many mission trips before but all were local or at least within the United States - New York, West Virginia, etc. This was my first time traveling internationally and it was going to be to a non-westernized country. I remember being nervous and overly prepared for anything that I might need on the trip - heck I didn't know if they had toilet paper. Well it turns out they do but it's very expensive and not available everywhere. None of that bothered me at all the more I was there. This place was amazing! The scenery was beautiful, but ultimately the people were what made me fall in love with the country. There's is just no way to describe worshiping with people in a difference language but knowing your heart is singing the same song.

So that trip started my international missions bug. I returned to Honduras the following year, but had an opportunity in 2014 to travel to Bulgaria with my house community. Having always wanted to travel to Europe - I jump on this opportunity. Again it was just as wonderful! The people, places, culture - just everything. I hope to be returning again in 2015 and taking a personal trip to Europe in 2015 as well.

In addition to international missions, I work with my house community on two wonderful missions - Garage Giveaway and Bulgaria Christmas Shoe Boxes. Garage Giveaway has a huge impact on the community around Hoover, AL and the Bulgaria Christmas shoe boxes have an impact on the underprivileged villages all across Bulgaria. For more information on each mission check out their websites:

Love of Travel

My personal trip to Europe somewhat started with my love of books. I was reading a book series by Karen Marie Moning and with her eloquent writing I was able to envision Ireland and Scotland. Seeing it through wonderful writing is one thing, but I am so excited to be able to see Ireland in person this summer. I wanted to visit Scotland as well and the timing just would work out. It is on my list for another trip next year.

Love of Food

My mother is probably one of the best cooks I know - even though I'm a little partial. Her cooking is just amazing and you can tell how much love she puts into each dish. She always told me that she just had good recipes. I think it's way more than that - she has a touch. I grew up with her cooking most every night at home. We sat down to a family dinner - no tv, cell phones or other distractions - and spoke to one another about their day at school or work. I still visit my parents every week and it is still the same - sit down dinner with no distractions. This time as a family is precious to me and I hope to continue that tradition one day with a family of my own.

Love of Heritage

I've never been much of a history buff - I leave that for my friend Corey, but I do enjoy my family history. Hearing the stories and seeing how family names and traits are passed down mean alot to me. I just find them so interesting and I want to preserve them. I don't want that information to get lost for future generations. One story I'm recording is about my father's parents - James Lamar Walton and Margaret Josephine Argo Walton.

My grandparents were separated by war during their initial courtship in 1945. My grandmother saved all my grandfather's letters and I'm sharing these with the rest of the world. I never knew my grandfather - grandaddy Jim - so I love finding stories, notes, letters to and from him. I'm getting to know a bit of his personality. I knew my grandmother, though not very well, and can imagine only what she thought when she received some of these letters.

My middle sister has always been a bit of a spit fire. She's confident in herself (though not prideful), can speak to anyone, and has a knack for making up words. Reading grandaddy Jim's letters shows exactly where she came from. Those two would have been two peas in a pod should they have ever met.

I hope you find some interest in your own loves stories through mine. If not, maybe a few stories will bring a smile to your face.

With all my love,
Stephanie Marie

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