
September 14, 2017

Last Days in New York

We are experiencing our first day in Bangkok, Thailand but before we get too far into this part of our expedition - I wanted to put down my thoughts on the last few days in New York.

Walton and Jennifer, as well as Caleb's friend Vanessa. With their local perspective - they gave us some of the best insight into what to see, experience and eat in New York.

Lenny's Bagel

We hit this place up three times because everything was so good! Different types of bagels, different kinds of cream cheese and salads to add to bagels like chicken and eggs. I think i might miss this place the most.
Bacon, egg and cream cheese goodness on everything bagel

Statue of Liberty

Jennifer recommended that we take the free ferry to Staten Island to see the best views of the Statue of Liberty. This did not disappoint as it was free and granted us some great shots. We stood on the right side of the boat and when it docked, immediately turned around and got back up but on the left this time. It also provided great views of Manhattan.

Time Alone

One day the boys schedule a haircut and I got to explore on my own. I'm not one to do a lot of things by myself but I thoroughly enjoyed this time just walking around the city. I stumbled upon Radio City and the Rockefeller Center. The Rockefeller Center was not as big as it looks on TV. However, I enjoyed seeing the flags surrounding it.

New York Public Library

While wondering during the guys' haircut - I came across the New York Public Library. Libraries are always a bucket list item for me and this was on there. Walking in and seeing the steps Carrie from Sex and the City climbed as she returned a book about love produced a small tear. Truly libraries hold all the great love stories. This library was beautiful with it's ceilings in the Rose Room and old world charm.


Vanessa really treated us right and took us to this little Chinese restaurant in Chinatown called Hop Kee. I don't know if I can explain how wonderful the food was. We ordered 6 different dishes from pork chops in a apple glaze, beef noodles, calamari to chicken in a glaze. Each so wonderful with pork chops being my favorite.

Beef noodles

Salt and Pepper Calamari

Chicken in a glaze

Pork chops in apple glaze

Next we had to get dessert even though we were full but you know - it's dessert. We went to this tiny ice cream place called Chinatown Ice Cream Factory with flavors I had never heard of before. Each sample was delicious!

Little Italy

Right next to Chinatown is Little Italy and I had no clue before this night that they were so close to each other. Walking through there were people sitting in restaurants just laughing and enjoying themselves. As a recommendation from Walton and Jennifer we headed to Ferraras Bakery for cannolis. If we were not so full, I would have sampled everything here. It all looked so yummy! I got the original and chocolate covered cannolis and they were indeed delicious!

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Walton and Jennifer attend church here so we stopped by Sunday morning. It's the largest cathedral in the US and the fifth largest church in the world. It was beautiful on the outside and the inside. Inside there is a Rose window with a smaller rose window. They are called these due to their patterns and when there is a cloudless blue sky - the glass shines a red light.

Rose windows at St. John's Cathedral

Central Park

We strolled through the massive Central Park one afternoon. The weather was positively perfect and many people were enjoying it. I loved just walking and exploring the park. We even came upon a wedding proposal!

One of the tunnels in Central Park

Wedding proposal

Museum of Modern Art - MoMa

One day we want to the Museum of Modern Art (aka MoMa) to see Van Gogh's Stary Night. It was very cool to see in person!

Coney Island

Coney Island was so far away from Manhattan than we realized! It was about a 1 hour train ride and when we got out there - there was not much to see. We did grab a famous Nathan's hotdog with chili and cheese. We also were able to see some of the sunset from the boardwalk. However, the theme park was pretty creepy with no on there. 

Time Square

We had a chance to stop by Time Square before we left but even though it was huge and crowded - not a lot to. We did see some naked people selling photos and playing the guitar. Very interesting people watching. 

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