
March 28, 2016

WWII Letters from Jim | 19 July 1945

In this letter, Jim describes how they capture a shark. The Captain took an automatic rifle to several and then they caught one with a harpoon.

Thursday, 19 July, 1945
Still at sea...

I don't know what happened to the 18th. Lost a day someplace, but a day out here is a minor thing. I could lose the whole next six months and not miss them. Wish that was possible. Last night the Captain shot three big sharks with a automatic rifle, but didn't bring any of them aboard. Today, we rigged up a harpoon and harpooned a big one over 10 feet long. The 'old man' shot him in the water and we stuck a big hook through his mouth and with that and the harpoon, we got him on deck. Big blue shark. What a vicious monster. Teeth so sharp they could slice like a razor blade. We ripped out his insides, and he had a couple of rotten tomatoes, oranges, candy bar wrappers, a soap box and other conglomerated things in his stomach. Even some toilet paper. What a taste he has! Saw a movie on the fantail tonight, and have been playing a little poker until now. It's after midnight, and time for me to hit the sack, but just wanted to get a little note off to tell you that I've missed you and through of you a lot today. Sure would be nice to have you around and hold you close to me. Broke even in the poker game and just lost some sleep, that's all. We have another two week before we head for port and then we wont be coming to the states. Maybe ten days in port, and out for 20 to 30 more at sea. This letter is getting a big package, so I think I'll close for now and seal it starting another manuscript tomorrow night. How about that? Sweet, be good girl for the 'ole man' and write often. Love and kisses.


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