
September 4, 2015

17 July 1945 | At sea

In this letter, Jim doesn't have much to write about but he does tell Margaret that his Captain would like him to smooth out the three page personal letter he wrote to LIFE magazine about sailor's uniforms. I was able to find a copy of the issue on Google Books, but could not locate the letter to LIFE. I hope that comes in Jim's next few letters to Margaret.

LIFE Magazine June 4, 1945 Issue

This is Jim's letter to Margaret:

Tuesday, 17 July
At sea.

Just finished looking at the nightly movie. They've rigged a screen on the fan-tail over the depth charge racks and put the projector on the focastle deck forward. We can sit out in the open by the moonlight and watch the show. The air is cool and a fresh breeze coming in form the West. Outdoors movie. What a life. If it wasn't for being away from home, this life would be next to wonderful. I dont like the confinement though. We are still having smooth seas, cloudless days, and cool breezes. I have to do some work tonight, also have a three page personal letter to LIFE magazine that I have written and the Captain wants me to type it in the smooth and mail it in. Criticism on an editorial they had in the June 4 issue regarding sailor's uniforms. You saw one sample of my letter writing when down home that weekend. This is about the same bit of word slinging, only a bit sarcastic. Maybe they'll publish it and you can read it in the magazine.
I have two court-martials to hold this week and one is tomorrow, so must get started on them. Means working a while tonight while it's cool. I dont know of a heck of a lot more to write about now anyways. Sure wish you were here. Tell Milly that I'll try and write soon. Dont know when I'll be able to mail this manuscript, but I'll just add a bit each day, and for now, sweetheart, I'll say....goodnight.

This is LIFE Magazine's June 4, 1945 article on sailor's uniforms:

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