
October 24, 2017

The Simply Beautiful Norway

There's really only one way to describe Norway - simply stunning. From the lovely people, the colorful farmland, the majestic mountains and the delectable food - Norway was a wonderful ending to our trip. We stayed with Caleb's grandfather and step grandmother both of whom were so hospitable. On the first night we arrived, we were greeted with a homemade meal. After several weeks of scourging the internet to find a good restaurant or happening upon one, it was fantastic to have a home cooked meal! Their place instantly felt like home and I'm so thankful we were able to stay with them.

Trip to Åndalsnes

For our first full day in Norway, we took a 10 hour drive to the cabin in Åndalsnes because the weather was lovely and perfect to see the views. And oh boy did the drive have some amazing views! The cabin is only 4 hours away but we took this long way because of the views and we would see Tollstigen or The Toll Ladder. I noticed there were several troll themes in Norway including statues and Trollveggen or the Troll Wall. 

Here is a short video of our trip to Trollstigen: 

Here are just a few of the pictures of the landscape on the way to Trollstigen: 


 Hike up Litlefjellet and The Lake

The next day we hiked up Litlefjellet under some extremely windy conditions. We hiked up this area to see the Trollsveggen or Troll Wall. This wall is the tallest vertical rock face in Europe. Unfortunately because of the windy conditions we did not get to go as far on our hike but it was still stunning. 

It was a "tad" windy that day.


After this hike, Alf took us to his favorite place - a nearby lake. Due to autumn setting in, the colors were rich with yellows and reds.

Path to the lake

On the way back from the lake, we stopped to take pictures of this river and waterfall.

Norway was amazing and I hope to return again one day. 

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