
April 4, 2016

WWII Letters from Jim | 6 August 1945

This is letter, Jim discusses how the current captain (aka skipper) is" going to be transferred after two more patrols." Jim wants to go with him since he's been with him for two years already. They did have to transfer a man back to the States because he is the only living male in his family. His two brothers were killed overseas. On a happier note, he mentions that his sister Reita is pregnant for the first time. He says it's hard to think of his sisters getting pregnant because they are still just kids when he thinks about them. My favorite few lines though: "She's one of my favorite sisters. The others are: Tommie, Elizabeth, Dot, and Milly. I think the world of all of them. Nobody ever had any that were finer to a guy like me."

Post marked | 7 August 1945

6 August, 1945
In port.

Hello honey..
Another day, and what a day. I haven't even seen the light of day all day. Just got out of the sack this morning and started in on the batch of official mail and I still have a bit to go. Beginning to see over the top of it now, so by tomorrow, will probably get caught up to some degree. On top of it all, I had three men transferred today and that took time. Two to the hospital, and one to Boston. The one going to Boston is getting duty in the States on account of him being the only boy left in his family. Two of his brothers were killed overseas. One during the past month. He's a nice kid. Hate to see him go. I understand the Skipper[*] is going to be transferred after two more patrols. I'm going to try and see if he wont take me along too. I've been with him for nearly two years now and I know his likes and dislikes, and would make it easy for him on his next ship. I hate to think of what it would be like if we got some no-good guy in his place. It's still cool. There is never any summer in this dam land. The more I see of it, the more I like the U.S. Maybe someday we can take a trip to some of the places I've been and really have fun doing nothing but taking it easy, but there are a few places that I never want to go again, and this is one of them.
So Reita is going to be "little mama" eh? No, nobody told me. I haven't heard from her since before I went on leave and I think I answered her letter when at home in Greensboro. Should have received a letter this time in port. I'm glad. I think confidentially she was jealous of Dot for having Betty Gayle and everyone making such a to-do over her. Reet has always been pretty much of the pet at home on account of her soft gentle ways and good sense. I always am apprehensive of any of my little sisters having babies. I left home when they were snaggle-toothed little brats in anklets, and I just dont seem to get over the fact that now they have grown up. Of course, when I'm around them, I do, but when I'm away, I always picture them as kids and think of them as I did for the ten years I didn't see any of them. I know everything will turn out okay though. She's one of my favorite sisters. The others are: Tommie, Elizabeth, Dot, and Milly. I think the world of all of them. Nobody ever had any that were finer to a guy like me.
I have a headache tonight. Dont know what the trouble is unless it's the strain and exhaustion of today's work. The change in climate gets a fellow fouled up too, so honey, forgive the no good letter tonight and I will go hit the sack and get some rest. Goodnight and my love.


*The Captain (or Skipper) at the time of this letter was Lieutenant Commander Theodore F. Knoll, USCG.

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