
August 12, 2015

11 and 12 July 1945

In these two letters, Jim doesn't have much in the way of news to report. He's been sun bathing on deck and as he states "my body looks like a huge coal of fire." He does write a sweet note to Margaret... "I could go on and on telling you a lot of sweet things, but actions speak louder than words and I would rather save most of them until I can be with you and tell and show you all at once."

Post marked | 13 July 1945 by the Navy

At sea,
Wednesday, 11 July, 1945

Hello Little One..

Another day has passed and it has been a beautiful one too. We had a nice cool breeze all day and the sky was cloudless and plenty of sunshine. I spent about 2 hours out on deck and it was really swell. This afternoon we had low hanging clouds and a beautiful sunset. The water is azure blue and the wake from the ship parting the water seems as if we were sailing through a sea of fire. The phosphorescent nature of the water causes this phenomenon. If it wasn't for being alone, this trip would be worth a lot of money. I got a bit of suntan today. Am pretty red. Look like an Indian. We should be pretty far south by Friday and then we will stop and patrol. There isn't any news to write about. I worked all day, slept after the evening chow, then got up when the boys started popping popcorn. Ate all I could hold, read a new copy of the National Geographic magazine, am writing this note to you, then I'll lock up the office, go up to the quarters and drink a cup of coffee, then maybe move my sack up on deck and get some sleep. I'm not very sleepy, but it's a beautiful night and I can just lay up on deck while we go cruising along and look up at the stars and wish I was with you. Hope this war will be over soon and I can just remember those swell night when I'm spending nights doing things I'd rather do than this. Goodnight sweetheart. I'll add a line tomorrow night....

Thursday, 12 July,
At sea.
Hello sweetheart..

Another day passed and here I am at about the same time of night sitting down to chat a minute. They say we are passing another ship tomorrow and will pass mail to them to be carried back to the States. I'll try and get this letter off to you then. Slept on deck last night and it was nice, however, I had to use a blanket as it was chilly. The days are hot and the nights cool. Nice sleeping. Spent another hour or so in the sun today and getting redder by the hour. I'll either be blistered or have a nice suntan when I get back. My body looks like a huge coal of fire. Last night there were a million stars in the skies and I saw at least 6 shooting stars while looking up. There was also the milky way and other star formations. Gives a guy a funny feeling to look at the stars for hours wondering. Makes you feel very insignificant. There's absolutely nothing much going on to write about. I could go on and on telling you a lot of sweet things, but actions speak louder than words and I would rather save most of them until I can be with you and tell and show you all at once. How about that? Meantime, time just moves on and on, and the days drag by. I hope to have a few letters waiting from you when I return to port next time. Don't disappoint me. Right now, I'm going to sign off and get this ready to be censored and mailed. 

Love always, 


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