
August 4, 2018

My Torn ACL - Post Surgery Day 1

Dry. I feel so dry. My nose and mouth are like the dessert. Maybe this is because I don't have the IV? Just a guess. But my nose is full of boogers - yuck - and on top of it I have sores which might be from the oxygen tubes during surgery. Aquaphor will hopefully help these go away quickly.

I believe my pain block wore off around midnight. My leg is elevated and packed in with pillows and is being iced every 30 minutes so it did not matter. Icing it every 30 minutes feels wonderful.

After waking up and getting some coffee in me - I'm ready to conquer the day! Most of the morning, I iced my leg for 30 minutes and then walked a few laps around the kitchen. Then I repeated the icing and walking. By the afternoon, my leg was sore and I am no longer able to walk around as much. But I'm happy that I moved around some.

My leg is wrapped from ankle to thigh and it is preventing me from bending it at all. I guess this is good but I'd like to move it a little bit.

Also, today I was able to figure out how to get around the whole house. I have a computer chair on wheels and hardwood floors. I'm able to move from the couch to the computer chair and wheel myself around the house - including the bathroom.

Pain Level - 5, my leg is sore but nothing unbearable

My appetite is very active. Mom is cooking amazing food and I cannot help but partake.

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