
April 11, 2016

WWII Letters from Jim | 10 August 1945

In this letter, Jim writes about Japan surrendering. He heard it come over the radio that they were surrendering but without confirmation he was not completely sure. This "flash on the radio" was made 5 days prior to the announcement made by Japan on August 15, 1945. He's also doing some math and trying to figure out how he can come home to Margaret sooner.

Post marked | 11 August 1945

10 August, 1945

Today has been a busy one as usual and last night too. Didn't get a chance to write. The skipper was detached this morning and a lot of paper work had to be done. If it isn't one thing, it's another. We had a flash over the radio this morning that Japan had surrendered. Although it was unconfirmed, it still made me feel good to know they were even considering surrendering. May be there will be something definite over the weekend.
I still haven't received any letters since we hit port on the 5th of the month. There is a plan in now (4:30 p.m.) and the mail orderly has gone over the mail. Hope I get a letter. There hasn't been much to write about. Think I'll go over to the Army base tonight and see a show. That's about all there is to do. I don't particularly like movies, but what can a guy do? Think I'll wait until the mail comes aboard before writing more. Maybe I can find something in your letters (if I receive any) to answer. I'm a poor answerer anyway, but I'll try.

An hour later.
The mail just arrived and I received your letter dated 8th August. You hadn't received any mail from me so far, but should have at least after you got home that night. I think my letters were mailed on teh 5th or 6th. Bet you are glad to have your brother home. Just as I told you, he probably appreciates his sister a lot more having been away from home like he has. A person never appreciates anyone until they are away, then something it's too late. Hope he had a nice furlough. As for me getting out --- well, I dunno. My contract calls for until 25 August, next year. Still, it might be possible to buy out provided the war gets over right away. The atomic bomb may force the Japs to surrender, and today the news came that they had, but so far, there has been no confirmation. You can't plan much until things are more decided. With the present hookup aboard ship, I believe I can get off this tub when we hit Boston next. That will be around February 1st. If I can, then I intend hounding them for rehabilitation leave, 30 days, and then shipping over leave, 30 days, and the annual leave, 30 days. 
Yep, I'll look around and find you a nice souvenir. I could send you some foreign silver coins to have a bracelet made, but maybe you'd like something else better. I'll see what I can do. I may not be planning too much on getting out, but what I am doing is this--I am going to buy me a supply of underwear, towels, blankets, shoes, socks, and other gear like that and send it home so will have it after I get out. I can get it at ship's service prices and good quality too. It will come in handy after the war and things are sky-high. I have to go eat now. More later. 
Goodmorning. Well, sweetheart, the paper this morning said that the Japs were ready to surrender. I hope so. Anyway, we start back on another patrol in a few days and things for us are uncertain. Nothing to do but wait. I'm awfully busy this morning, but thought I'd tack on this note before getting this letter in the mail. Write soon. All my love, Jim

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