
July 26, 2015

London Final Thoughts

I'm sitting on the Gatwick Express - a train to Gatwick Airport - and have a few final reflections of London.

There are so many more cultures here than I realized would be here. I heard more German, Italian, Arabic, Spanish and French dialects than I heard English dialect. I wanted so much to hear that sweet English dialect. But London is quite the melting pot.

I expected to see much more old architecture but London has a lovely mixture of both the old and new. From the London Eye we could see this harmony between both styles that make up the city. 

I wish I had done more official tours of the city's historic locations. The Jack the Ripper tour was so informative that I would love to learn similar things about other locations. There is a rich history here and I only got to experience a very small portion of it.

Overall it was great and I hope to return one day!

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